Life Insurance
What Does It Mean to Create a Family Legacy?
What Does It Mean to Create a Family Legacy?
05 Apr 2021

We all want to be remembered. To leave an impact before we kick the bucket. Therefore, many people work hard towards creating something that will protect and provide for their loved ones long after they are gone.

Be it in the form of finances, family values, or living life to its fullest. What is a family legacy and how can you start one? Here is what you need to know.


What is a family legacy?

A family legacy has no set definition and it can mean different things to different people. At its core, it's something that we value and wish to benefit others with. It can be in the form of our beliefs, assets such as property, shares, or a business. It can also go as far as a financial safety net that can be created in the form of investments, savings, or life cover that ensures that loved ones are taken care of financially in the future. We all want to create something meaningful and fruitful that continues to live long after we die, but where can you start when it comes to creating such?


What do you value?

What we value shapes how we see the world around us, how we plan for our future, and what we consider important to preserve and pass down. Understanding your values can help pave the path towards creating a family legacy you will be proud of. This can help you dedicate time and resources to making this a reality not only in your life but the people you care about. Always keep in mind that legacies take time to create.


Planning plays a pivotal role

Dreams and goals that are not planned for will remain simply that - dreams and goals.  Planning can make creating a legacy less daunting and assist you in finding practical solutions. When it comes to financial planning, not only will you need to speak to a wealth advisor on how to effectively manage your finances to get the most out of it, but sharing aspects of it with your family will make sure that it is put to good use. Your financial goals are different from the next person's, which is why it is crucial to speak to a financial advisor who will be able to tailor your finances to your needs.


It will take trial and error to start building a meaningful legacy. It also requires introspection and actively doing the work to change things. The aim is to start, keep your eyes focused on your goal, and ask for help when it's needed.

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